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Barplot of survey results as pd.value_counts()

I have conducted a survey where answers can be 1-7, as in e.g. "absolutely unhappy" to "absolutely happy" and everything in between, the data is a pandas series. Conducting data.value_counts() on it yields the ordered table

5.0  6
6.0  5
7.0  5
3.0  1
2.0  1

how can I convert it to a bar plot, where a) 7 bars are present, one for each answer possibility, b) ordered 1-7 instead of according to the magnitude and c) with individual names (extremely unhappy, unhappy, partly unhappy, neutral, partly happy, happy, extremely happy) instead of 1-7 for the bars? Thanks!


  • Create dictionary by zip, map index by and reindex for add missing catogories with set ordering, last plot by

    s = pd.Series([6,5,5,1,1], index=[5.0,6.0,7.0,3.0,2.0])
    cats = ['extremely unhappy', 'unhappy', 'partly unhappy', 
            'neutral', 'partly happy', 'happy', 'extremely happy']
    vals = range(1, 8)
    d = dict(zip(vals, cats))
    s.index =
    s1 = s.reindex(cats, fill_value=0)
    print (s1)
    extremely unhappy    0
    unhappy              1
    partly unhappy       1
    neutral              0
    partly happy         6
    happy                5
    extremely happy      5
    dtype: int64