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Bind a Global Action Filter to all Controllers in an Area using MVC 3 Dependency Injection with Ninject 2.2

I was able to to use ASP.NET MVC 3 and Ninject 2.2 to inject a logger object into a custom ActionFilterAttribute thanks to the help I received in this post.

Now I would like to bind my custom ActionFilterAttribute only to all controllers that are in a specific area.

I was able to get started with the following binding but it only handles one controller in a certain area. I would like my code to bind to all controllers in a specific area. Any ideas?

/// <summary>
/// Load your modules or register your services here!
/// </summary>
/// <param name="kernel">The kernel.</param>
private static void RegisterServices(IKernel kernel)
        FilterScope.Controller, 0)


  • This helped me, Thanks Darin. However, context.RouteData.Values did not have the area for me but context.RouteData.DataTokens["area"] did! also in my case I had controller that were not in specific areas (e.g. shared controllers) therefore I had to check for datatoken area to be null. This is what worked for me:

       .BindFilter<TestLoggingAttribute>(FilterScope.Controller, 0)
       .When((context, ad) => context.RouteData.DataTokens["area"] != null && context.RouteData.DataTokens["area"] == "Organization");