I'm using the given regex expression to validate the username:
validates_format_of :username, with: /^[a-zA-Z0-9_\.]*$/, :multiline => true
By running brakeman
gem i'm having the following warning.
== Warnings ==
Confidence: High
Category: Format Validation
Check: ValidationRegex
Message: Insufficient validation for `username` using `/^[a-zA-Z0-9_\.]*$/`. Use `\A` and `\z` as anchors
File: app/models/user.rb
Line: 16
What would be the optimal regex expression to correctly assign those anchors and keeping the same character permissions?
Regex is yet a myth for me! Best regards.
From ruby on rails guides regular expressions
To fix the regular expression, \A and \z should be used instead of ^ and $, like