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scontrol all jobs in user account

I am trying to hold all jobs submitted from my account. However, scontrol hold only takes in array and I have many arrays. Is there an alternative command like scancel -u user?

Edit1: If iterating all job id is the only way, this is my method:

squeue -u user | awk '{print $1;}' | while read jobid; do scontrol hold $jobid; done


  • While piping formatted text to sh is clever, I would probably do something like this:

    squeue -u <user> --format "%i" --noheader | xargs scontrol hold


    sacct --allocation --user=<user> --noheader --format=jobid | xargs scontrol hold

    If you wanted to filter by state, you could do that as well:

    squeue -u <user> --format "%i" --noheader --states=PENDING | xargs scontrol hold


    sacct --allocation --user=<user> --noheader --format=jobid --state=PENDING | xargs scontrol hold

    source: Slurm man pages