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calling a function in powershell then how to reset a function's variable if function calls again itself

My function make a test and if it's true calls again the function

But in this case my variable $label isn't empty.

I need to reset it and don't know how to do that

I was thinking that $label="" can works but it doesn't reset it.

here my code

Function name-label

# Incorporate Visual Basic into script

    # show the Pop Up with the following text.
    $label = [Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction]::InputBox("Pas plus de 11 caractères`r`n`
    1) Que des lettres ou des chifres`
    2) Pas de caractères bizarres comme $ * µ %"`
    , "Nom de la clef USB", "")

    # si plus de 11 caractères
    if ($label.length -gt 12)
            Write-Host "Vous avez mis plus de 11 caractères : $label" -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Black
            $a = new-object -comobject
            $intAnswer = $a.popup("Vous avez tapé ce nom $label qui est trop long pour la clé USB`r `n Pas plus de 11 caractères`r `n Nouvel essai !",0,"ERREUR !",0)
            name-label # Restart function


  • Recursively calling Name-Label is completely unnecessary, you can do this with a simple do{}until() loop:

    Function Name-Label
        # Import Visual Basic into script
        $firstRun = $true
        # show the Pop Up with the following text.
          if(-not $firstRun){
            # loop running again, must have failed input validation
            $null = (New-Object -ComObject WScript.Shell).Popup("Vous avez tapé ce nom $label qui est trop long pour la clé USB`r `n Pas plus de 11 caractères`r `n Nouvel essai !",0,"ERREUR !",0)
          $firstRun = $false
          # prompt user for label
          $label = [Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction]::InputBox("Pas plus de 11 caractères`r`n`
          1) Que des lettres ou des chifres`
          2) Pas de caractères bizarres comme $ * µ %",
          "Nom de la clef USB", "")
        } until ($label -match '^[\d\p{L}]{1,11}$')
        return $label

    The regex pattern used for input validation is as follows:

    ^         # start of string
      \d      # digits
      \p{L}   # Letters
     {1,11}   # between 1 and 11 of the previous character class
    $         # end of string