I am trying to put together a QUERY
that I need to reference a static cell within the SELECT
clause to input the cell's value as column value.
I've browsed around Stack Overflow and could not find that specific issue being referred to.
I need a workaround for:
= QUERY(Data!A1:R,
"SELECT A, Sheet2!B1, R
WHERE A is not null
LABEL Sheet2!A1 'Batch ID',1)
And it should be resulting in:
| QUERY output |
| Name | Batch ID | Status |
| Alan | 7632r | Sent |
| Joe | 7632r | Sent |
And the static reference cell from Sheet2!B1:
| Sheet2 reference |
| Batch ID | 7632r |
Apologies for not sharing a dummy sheet, but I have corporate security restrictions, that are not allowing me to share any sheet's link to anyone outside the company.
I am also interested in what downsides are possible if this can be made to work?
pausing query argument with '"
appending cell with &
then again appending the continue of query argument &
and reopening argument with "'
"select A, '"&Sheet2!B1&"', R
where A is not null
label '"&Sheet2!B1&"' 'Batch ID', 1)