I'm trying to setup tests on an Express server using Jest and Supertest. Here is my test and target code:
// routes/index.js
var express = require('express');
var router = express.Router();
router.get('/', function(req, res, next) {
res.render('index', { title: 'Express' });
// index.test.js
const request = require('supertest');
const express = require('express');
const app = require('express');
const router = require('../index').router;
test('GET /', (done) => {
// .set('Accept', 'application/json')
.end((err, res) => {
if (err) throw err;
Jest is giving me the following error:
expected 200 "OK", got 404 "Not Found"
at Test.Object.<anonymous>.Test._assertStatus (node_modules/supertest/lib/test.js:268:12)
at Test.Object.<anonymous>.Test._assertFunction (node_modules/supertest/lib/test.js:283:11)
at Test.Object.<anonymous>.Test.assert (node_modules/supertest/lib/test.js:173:18)
at Server.localAssert (node_modules/supertest/lib/test.js:131:12)
Also tried: Relative urls ('/'). Error: Can not read property "apply" of undefined
Importing the router object exported in routes/index.js like so:
const router = require('../index').router;
// TypeError: Cannot read property 'address' of undefined
// (while pointing at the .get() method)
I suspect the way I'm bringing in Router() may not be right but my direct attempt didn't succeed.
Anyone have an idea of the issue?
Solved by requiring app.js and passing it to request like so:
const app = require("../../app");
test('GET /cold-start', (done) => {
.set('Accept', 'application/json')
.end((err, res) => {
if (err) throw err;