I want to search a word from an array of strings.
array = ["ram","gopal","varma","govind","ravan","alan"]
if my search text is goal
i want to list as follows:
result = ["gopal","govind","alan"]
ie in gopal
& goal
only p
is missing so it should be in search list with higher priority.
Is there any way to do such filtering?
The longest common subsequence between two strings can be defined recursively as follows :
func lcs(_ str1: String, _ str2: String, _ i: String.Index, _ j: String.Index) -> Int
if (i == str1.startIndex || j == str2.startIndex) {
return 0
let beforeI = str1.index(before: i)
let beforeJ = str2.index(before: j)
if str1[beforeI] == str2[beforeJ] {
return 1 + lcs(str1, str2, beforeI, beforeJ)
} else {
return max(lcs(str1, str2, i, beforeJ), lcs(str1, str2, beforeI, j))
You can find a complete explanation of how this dynamic programming algorithm works here.
So, given an array of strings and a search text :
let array = ["ram", "gopal", "varma", "govind", "ravan", "alan", "logan"]
let searchText = "goal"
We can associate a score to each element of the array, filter only those that have a non-zero score, sort them by score, and then only key the words from the tuples :
let result = array
.map { ($0, lcs(searchText,
$0.endIndex)) }
.filter { $0.1 > 0 }
.sorted { $0.1 > $1.1 }
.map { $0.0 }
Which yields :
["gopal", "govind", "alan", "logan", "ram", "varma", "ravan"]