Search code examples

Passing data between screens with AsyncStorage

I am developing a messenger app and I am trying to do a search of friends by email. So when the user enters another user's email in Prompt text field, typed email compares with those on the server and if a match is found, then it creates a new chat with new friend on server, as well as in the app.

I have one screen called Messages.js and second screen called firebaseChatModule.js which is responsible for all Backend processes. What I need to do: if a match is found, then pass typed email to Backend. I tried to do that with AsyncStorage, but the issue is: every time I receive null instead of email.

How can I fix it and are there any other simple ways how I could do that?

Screenshots: Messages.js: Messages.js

firebaseChatModule.js: firebaseChatModule.js


Okey, now it works, thx to Nirmalsinh for the answer, but now I get following issue on the server:

enter image description here

User1 is the email which I typed in, but there are some strange characters as for example double "" and /

How can I fix this?


  • You need to use setItem as below:

             try {
                    AsyncStorage.setItem('email', YOUR_VALUE)
                } catch (error) {

    For retrive:

             AsyncStorage.getItem('email').then((email) => {
                             // YOU CAN KEEP YOUR WHOLE CODE FOR getChatId
             } catch (error) {

    Your updated code:

    getChatId = () => {
      AsyncStorage.getItem('email').then((email) => {
                                    const IDloc = firebase.database().ref('/rooms');
        const newChat = IDloc.push({
          title: 'New chat over again'
        const ChatID = newChat.key;
        const membersList = firebase.database().ref('/members').child(ChatID);
        const user1 = email
        console.log('user1: ', user1);
        const user = firebase.auth().currentUser;
          user1: user1,
             } catch (error) {
    findUserEmail = (email) => {
      .then(snapshot => {
        var user = firebase.auth().currentUser;
         if (email === {
           Alert.alert("Email is the same as yours!")
         } else {
           if (snapshot.val()) {
             const value = snapshot.val()
             this.setState({ email1: email })
             const email2 = this.state.email1
             AsyncStorage.setItem('email', JSON.stringify(this.state.email1));
             console.log('email1: ', this.state.email1);
             console.log('email2: ', email2);
             this.setState({ users: Object.keys(value).map((id) => ({
             })), promptVisible: false})
           } else {
             Alert.alert("Email doesn't exist")