I did following, all while on my local BranchA
(by mistake)git add FileA
git commit -m "Modified FileA"
So, FileA
is in my local commit (never pushed to remote) on my local branch BranchA
(also never pushed to remote).
How do I revert changes to FileA?
I undoed changes to FileA from SourceTree instead from git as I realized it is simpler for me.
To do so, in SourceTree, r-c on commited file FileA > "Log Select ..." > select the previous commit (the one before yours) > r-c on it and choose "Reset to this commit". That did the job but thank you all
To specifically undo the changes in that file but keep the commit unchanged otherwise :
1) Revert fileA to its previous state
git checkout HEAD^ -- path/to/fileA
2) Include that in the last commit you did on BranchA
git commit --amend
(And since it has not been pushed yet, no need to push with force next time.)