My requirement is to set page-level transparency blending color space to Device RGB. I am trying to use pdfBox to achieve this. Screenshot is from the Adobe Acrobat reader (Print Production -> flatten Previewer -> change page level transparency color space)where you can set the value from the dropdown.
I tried to set blend mode using PDGraphicState of PDFBOX. Is it right way to achieve page level transparency showed in screenshot?
PDGraphicsState gState = new PDGraphicsState(page.getArtBox());
PDExtendedGraphicsState pde = new PDExtendedGraphicsState();
final COSName blendMode =page.getResources().add(pde);
But this is not working. I have some other code which uses "PDExtendedGraphicState"
which will be added to page using page.getResources().add(graphicsState) But PDExtendedGraphicState does not have any method to setBlend Mode. So I created new PDExtendedGraphicState object and did "copyIntoGraphicsState".
Am I missing something or the approach is wrong?
Thanks in advance.
Open file in Adobe acrobat Pro DC. Open : Tools -> Print production -> output preview. Try to open and close output preview. you can see color shifts.
Open same file (Before.pdf) in Acrobat Pro DC. Open : Tools -> Print production -> Flattener Preview -> Look for Page level transparency blending color space(See the screenshot) -> change -> select Device RGB from the dropdown -> apply. Now you will get after.pdf which I added here.
After this if you open output Preview as stated above you will not see shifting of colors.
To set DeviceRGB as transparency blending colorspace for the document. We have used:
group.setItem(COSName.S, COSName.TRANSPARENCY);
group.setItem(COSName.CS, COSName.DEVICERGB);
page.getCOSObject().setItem(COSName.GROUP, group)
This solves problem. Thanks guys for suggesting different approaches.