I am using FormGroup
, custom validators, etc. I need to capture in an event handler when the form becomes valid/invalid, not a property, but an actual event in TypeScript code.
I took a look to the documentation, but I wasn't able to find something like: (validityChange)="myEventHandler($event)"
where validityChange
is just a placeholder for the name of the actual event I am looking for.
For Angular with RxJs 6+ (where you need to use pipe):
filter(() => this.form.valid))
.subscribe(() => this.onFormValid());
is a property that is boolean and so will either be true or false. Hence the filter will return true when the form is valid and the subscribe will then only call this.onFormValid()
when the property is true.
You can see what is going on by doing this:
public ngOnInit() {
filter((status: string) => {console.log(status); return this.form.valid}))
.subscribe(() => this.onFormValid());
private onFormValid() {
console.log('form is valid')
One should also unsubscribe or take (complete), eg:
filter(() => this.form.valid)),
.subscribe(() => this.onFormValid());
ngOnDestroy() {