I've created the following table:
colName VARCHAR(10) NULL,
(colID, colName)
When I run the following query against the above table...
DECLARE @Name varchar(max)
select @Name = colName from dbo.TestABC where colID = '3'
print @Name
I get the following expected result, which is good:
Now, I am trying to pass the SELECT with my @Name parameter inside a dynamic SQL:
DECLARE @sql varchar(max)
DECLARE @Name varchar(max)
set @sql = '
select ' + @Name + ' = colName from dbo.TestABC where colID = ''3''
print @sql
The problem I am having is that, inside the dynamic SQL, my @Name parameter does not get evaluated and results in a blank or NULL. Also, my entire dynamic sql parameter @sql also ends up NULL.
I fully realize that, if I add the following additional line before my dynamic SQL, that the @Name should be evaluated properly...
SELECT @Name = colName from dbo.TestABC
However, that is not my aim. I need the SELECT to be completely dynamic since I will be passing my dbo.TestABC dynamically eventually. Therefore, I cannot have my @Name parameter pre-assigned as in the above SELECT.
How do I populate my @Name and @sql parameters in my SELECT inside my dynamic SQL?
when you do:
set @sql = '
select ' + @Name + ' = colName from dbo.TestABC where colID = ''3''
the actual value inside variable @Name is null. And according to sql server logic string + null is null.
to do what you want you need:
DECLARE @sql nvarchar(max)
DECLARE @Name nvarchar(max)
set @sql = '
select @someVariable = colName from dbo.TestABC where colID = ''3''
EXECUTE sp_executesql @sql, N'@someVariable varchar(max) OUTPUT', @someVariable = @Name OUTPUT;
select @Name; -- this will print your colName
and do not use (max)
as your default its a bad practice and might slow your queries down.