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keras custom metric with sample weights

I am trying to define a custom metric in Keras that takes into account sample weights. When fitting the model I use the sample weights as follows:

training_history =
        sample_weight = train_weights,
        epochs = num_epochs,
        batch_size = 128,
        validation_data = (validation_data, validatation_labels, validation_weights ),

An example of a custom metric I am using is the AUC (area under roc curve ), which I defined as follows:

from keras import backend as K
import tensorflow as tf

def auc(true_labels, predictions, weights = None):
    auc = tf.metrics.auc(true_labels, predictions, weights = weights)[1]
    return auc

and I use this metric when compiling the model:

        optimizer = optimizer,
        loss = 'binary_crossentropy',
        metrics = ['accuracy', auc]

But as far as I can tell, the metric does not take into account the sample weights. In fact I verified this by comparing the metric value I see when training the model using the custom metric defined above to what I get by computing it myself from the model output and the sample weights, which indeed yield very different results. How would I define the auc metric shown above to take into account the sample weights?


  • You could wrap your metric with another function that takes sample_weights as an argument:

    def auc(weights):
        def metric(true_labels, predictions):
            auc = tf.metrics.auc(true_labels, predictions, weights=weights)[1]
            return auc
        return metric

    And then define an extra input placeholder that will receive the sample weights:

    sample_weights = Input(shape=(1,))

    Your model can then be compiled as follows:

        optimizer = optimizer,
        loss = 'binary_crossentropy',
        metrics = ['accuracy', auc(sample_weights)]

    NOTE: Not tested.