I'm studying Angular. I'm training to change class if my variable is above ou below 0. It's possible to do something lile this ?
<li [ngClass]="{'list-group-item': true,
'list-group-item-danger': loveIts < 0,
'list-group-item-success': loveIts > 0}">
<h4>{{postTitle}} -- {{postCreated_at | date:'dd/MM/yyyy à hh:mm' | uppercase}}</h4>
If not, what is the good way ?
yes is ok but you can also do in this way:
<li class="list-group-item" [ngClass]="{
'list-group-item-danger': loveIts < 0,
'list-group-item-success': loveIts > 0}">
<h4>{{postTitle}} -- {{postCreated_at | date:'dd/MM/yyyy à hh:mm' | uppercase}}</h4>