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PHP chained class methods merged with other classes

I start with an example.

Mold class

class Mold {
  public $current;

  function merge($first, $second) {
    $this->current = $first . $second;
    return $this;

  function phone() {
    $this->current = '<a href="tel:' . $this->current . '">' . $this->current . '</a>';
    return $this;

  function __toString() {
    return $this->current;

function mold() {
  return new Mold();

In action

This works as expected.

echo mold()->merge('sada', 'asdsa')->phone();


I have one or more classes with methods that wants to be available as well.

Plugin class

class MyPlugin {
  function link() {
    // Code

  function currency($number) {
    // Code
class MyPlugin2 {
  // Other methods

Dream code

The exact change of events below may not make any sense. Anyway, what I intend to do is the following.

echo mold()->merge('sada', 'asdsa')->currency(45)-link();
  • Call mold() which creates a new instance of the Mold class.
  • Chain merge() which is used from the Mold class.
  • currency() or link() method does not exist in the Mold class. Instead they should be loaded from one of the plugins.

In conclusion

  • I know I can extend a class but it does not really solve the problem because there can be more than one plugin classes.
  • I know I can create instances of the plugin classes, but they somehow need to be aware by the Mold class.
  • Append methods to a class comes to mind as well as merge classes.


  • Interesting ideas.

    The one that solves the problem like I had in my mind was to use traits like @vivek_23 suggested in a comment.

    Here is a complete example of how it works

    // Core methods
    class MoldCore {
      public $current;
      function merge($first, $second) {
        $this->current = $first . $second;
        return $this;
      function phone() {
        $this->current = '<a href="tel:' . $this->current . '">' . $this->current . '</a>';
        return $this;
      function __toString() {
        return $this->current;
    // Plugin 1
    trait Plugin1 {
      public function yaay() {
        $this->current .= ' Plugin1 yaay';
        return $this;
    // Plugin 2
    trait Plugin2 {
      public function hello() {
        $this->current = str_replace('Plugin1', 'Modified', $this->current);
        return $this;
      public function world() {
        $this->current .= ' Plugin2 world';
        return $this;
    // Glue plugins with MoldCore
    class Mold extends MoldCore {
      use Plugin1, Plugin2;
    $mold = new Mold();
    echo $mold->merge('sada', 'asdsa')->phone()->yaay()->hello();