Recently I learned gulp and I saw three gulp plugins called gulp-clean-css
, gulp-csso
, gulp-minify-css
( deprecated ).
I saw in internet but no question found like that, except this website but it shows only graph of downloads.
So my question is
CSSO (75 commits) is simply used to minify and generate source maps for pre-processed files.
Clean-CSS (1583 commits) has a lot more options : it can remove units when they're not needed, convert colors for shorter declarations, can remove duplicate rules, restructure rules, etc.
I would suggest looking into CSS Nano (1923 commits) as well since it has the same options as Clean CSS but is used more widely since it is built on the PostCSS ecosystem. Here is the list of all the possible optimisations.
It basically depends of the complexity of your project and what you're currently using.