I have a News model, which has a HABTM relationship with an Artists model, and an artist in turn hasMany tourdates.
If I want to find all tourdates related to the current news item, what is an efficient way of phrasing that for CakePHP?
This is what I have so far; I'm wondering if (a) it looks like it should work, and (b) if there's any more concise way of writing it:
$relatedartists = $this->News->ArtistsNews->find('list', array(
'conditions'=>array('ArtistsNews.news_id' => $id),
$livedates = $this->News->Artists->Tour->find('all', array(
'conditions'=>array('Tour.artist_id'=> $relatedartists,
'date >= ' . time()),
'order'=>'date ASC'
What you have is pretty good. I always prefer to use multiple queries rather than use massive joins which create temporary tables. It can reduce performance somewhat.
You might also try something like the below
$opts = array(
'conditions' => array(
'ArtistsNews.news_id' => $id
$this->News->Artists->recursive = 2;
$this->News->Artists->find('all', $opts);
Something along the likes of this query will also get you what you need (haven't error checked)