interface IModel
class ModelA : IModel
interface IService<T> where T: IModel
class ServiceA : IService<ModelA>
Given the definition of classes and interfaces above, The following works:
IModel model = new ModelA();
Indicating that ModelA
can be cast to its interface IModel
The following also works:
IService<ModelA> service1 = new ServiceA();
Indicating that ServiceA
can be cast to its interface IService<ModelA>
However, the following fails:
IService<IModel> service2 = new ServiceA();
The error message says that ServiceA
cannot be implicitly to converted to IService<IModel>
Im surprised by this since:
can be cast to IModel
, and
can be cast to IService<IModel>
i was expecting the following to happen:
-> IService<ModelA>
-> IService<IModel>
But that doesnt seem to be possible.
Anyone have an explanation to why that is?
The only real option you have here is to apply the out
modifier on the generic type of IService
making it Covariant
Covariance enables you to use a more derived type than that specified by the generic parameter
interface IService<out T> where T : IModel
out (generic modifier) (C# Reference)
To be specific, as much as it seems like it IService<IModel>
is not the same thing as ServiceA : IService<ModelA>
means (roughly speaking), it can only appears in output positions.
Be warned though, this will seriously limit what you can do with T
If you need to use T
in IService
(and it's not just a return of method in IService
) , then you may need to use object
or rethink the problem.