I'm using a Shadow PC computer. A Windows 10 cloud desktop with the latest configuration to run graphic apps at full res for 30€/mounth. The drawback is that I can't install a virtual machine with Linux for dev.
I have small Django based open source projects. I'm the only one to dev on it.
The production server is a VPS with Ubuntu Server.
Since I can't get Linux on my machine to run the IDE this let me a few choices : - Dev on Windows 10 and run the production server on Ubuntu. - Dev directly on the production server
None of it seems to be very ideal. I feel like the best would be to devlop locally on Windows. However, will I run into big drawbacks when deploying on Linux ?
No, it is not because your development server and production server is totally different. And also it does not matter because in production it is more efficient way to use webservers like apache
or nginx
In addition, Most of the deployments are done in Linux/Ubuntu environments. For that you require shell knowledge. But it not put you into big hazards. But best practice is to develop into ubuntu/linux
and deploy on the same platform because of this gives you hands on experience with shell script.
Yet, It is not dangerous to develop on windows and deploy it on ubuntu/linux. You can choose either of them, flexibly.