I am doing this tutorial: https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cloud/library/cl-deploy-interact-extend-local-blockchain-network-with-hyperledger-composer/index.html
And here I have to do composer network deploy
but this is what I get:
composer network <subcommand>
Composer network command
composer network download [options] Downloads a business network from the Hyperledger Fabric, does not undeploy
composer network install [options] Installs a business network archive to Hyperledger Fabric
composer network list [options] List the contents of a business network
composer network loglevel [options] Change the logging level of a business network
composer network ping [options] Test a connection to a business network
composer network reset [options] Resets a business network
composer network start [options] Starts a specific version of a business network that is already installed to Hyperledger Fabric
composer network upgrade [options] Upgrades to a specific version of a business network that is already installed to Hyperledger Fabric
--help Show help [boolean]
-v, --version Show version number [boolean]
Incorrect command. Please see the list of commands above, or enter "composer network --help".
So my Question here is if this command got changed to composer network install
Yes the command has been changed to composer network install. You can follow documentation of composer for the commands.