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Modelica: add a row and column in 2d array

I have a 2d array of calculated values (say z) in a Model and want to use CombiTable2D from MSL to interpolate for given values of xi and yi. The CombiTable2D documentation suggests that the first row and column needs to be x0, x1, .. xi, ..xn and y1, y2, .. yi, ..yn.
For example, if the array is:

[z11, z12;    
z21, z22] 

To interpolate using CombiTable2D the array has to be of the form:

[0, x1, x2;   
y1, z11, z12;   
y2, z21, z22]

Therefore I want to add a row and column to the existing array to pass it as a table to CombiTable2D. Does anyone have a suggestion?


  • You append to an array by putting the row (with ";") or column (with ",") and the array you want to append to inside square-brackets []. An example which solves your problem:

    example = [1,2;2,3];
    newRow = [1,2];
    addRow = [newRow;example];
    newCol = [0;1;2];
    addCol = [newCol,addRow];


    addRow =
    [1, 2;
    1, 2;
    2, 3]
    addCol = 
    [0, 1, 2;
    1, 1, 2;
    2, 2, 3]