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Deploy error message on WebLogic

After fresh install of web logic, deployment shows the error:

Message icon - Error Failed to load webapp: MyWebApp because of DeploymentException: Error: Unresolved Webapp Library references for "ServletContext@992422938[app:MyWebApp module:MyWebApp path:/MyWebApp spec-version:2.5]", defined in weblogic.xml [Extension-Name: jsf, Specification-Version: 2, exact-match: false]

Error Error: Unresolved Webapp Library references for "ServletContext@992422938[app:MyWebApp module:MyWebApp path:/MyWebApp 

spec-version:2.5]", defined in weblogic.xml [Extension-Name: jsf, Specification-Version: 2, exact-match: false]

I have Cloud service weblogic, initially is installed

  • jsf(1.2, - [Name:jsf] [Specification Version:1.2] [Impl. Version:]
  • jstl(1.2, [jstl, 1.2,]

When I try to install jsf-2.0.war - Error is An application with this name already exists. Please specify a different name.

After I changed the name to something - Error is

The deployment has not been installed.
Message icon - Error [Deployer:149105]An attempt was made to deploy a library located at '/u01/data/domains/wls_domain/servers/wls_adminserver/upload/jsf-2.0.war' with name 'jsf(2.0,' that is different from the one specified in the manifest of the library: 'jsf'.


  • Your web application requires the JSF 2 shared library which is not deployed in your server. Deploy this library first and then your application.