If within the same Google Sheets Workbook, the formula: index(namedRangeRow , namedRangeColumn) works beautifully to "pull" or extract the piece of data residing at the intersection of the named row and named column onto another Sheet in the SAME Workbook.
How do I write a formula to get the same effect when I want to pull data from a DIFFERENT Workbook? I presume it is importRange, but I can't seem to get that formula to recognize two named ranges and find the data at the intersection thereof.
The formula: importRange("key", "namedRangeRow") works great, but it pulls all the data in the target Workbook range. So, I presume it's some variation of that formula, I just can't find the right way to express the two ranges within the importRange function.
The formula in the image below pulls a value in a cell at the intersection of two named ranges from a separate Google spreadsheet (i.e., workbook). (Link to sheet.)
The sheet where the data resides is below. (Link to sheet.)
The SetLinkData sheet is the 2nd sheet in the Set List workbook as in the pic below and contains the ID of the Song Catalog sheet.