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How to implement a Neural Network in C++

Original question

I am working on a simple C++ library. I'm trying to implement a Neural Network. I've got two questions:

  1. Are there any tutorials which explain how they can be implemented?

  2. Do I really need to plot a graph when I implement the Neural Network?

The code that I have written so far is:


#include <ctime>
#include <cstdlib>

class NeuralNetwork {
    public :
        void SetWeight(double tempWeights [15]) {
            for (int i = 0; i < (sizeof(tempWeights) / sizeof(double)); ++i) {
                weights[i] = tempWeights[i];

        double GetWeights() {
            return weights;

        void Train(int numInputs, int numOutputs, double inputs[], double outputs[]) {
            double tempWeights[numOutputs];

            int iterator = 0;

            while (iterator < 10000) {
                  // This loop will train the Neural Network


        double[] Calculate(double inputs[]) {
             // Calculate Outputs...

             return outputs;

        NeuralNetwork(double inputs[], double outputs[]) {
            int numberOfInputs = sizeof(inputs) / sizeof(double);
            int numberOfOutputs = sizeof(outputs) / sizeof(double);

            Train(numberOfInputs, numberOfOutputs, inputs[], outputs[]);
    private :
        double weights[15];


Edited and updated question

Thanks to the help from the comments, I managed to implement the Neural Network.

Now, I'm currently struggling with a performance issue. srand has actually started becoming unhelpful a bit...

Are there better random functions?


  • Firstly, I learnt a lot about how we think from this project, I learnt about std::uniform_real_distribution<>, std::vector<> and syntax structure.

    srand and time are C functions. Therefore, for the best optimisation, they should not be used.

    So, what should we use? std::uniform_real_distribution because it is more flexible and stable.

    std::vector<double> set_random_weights()
        std::default_random_engine generator; 
        std::uniform_real_distribution<double> distribution(0.0,1.0);
        std::vector<double> temp_weights;
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (num_input_nodes * num_hidden_nodes); ++i)
       return temp_weights;

    However to use std::uniform_real_distribution and std::default_random_engine we need to include the random header:

    #include <random>

    And to use std::vectors, we must in the vector header:

    #include <vector>