I have implemented an API that is REST based using SparkJava (http://sparkjava.com). Its a standalone app and works great.
Now I'd like to implement part of that functionality access through a Vaadin UI. I'm quite new to Vaadin as well.
Does anyone know how I can still keep the single VM model, and able to use Vaadin's wonderful UI structures with greatness of SparkJava?
Is there someway that I can bind the Vaadin Servlet to the SparkJava Route perhaps?? Just thinking loud here.
Appreciate your help very much!!
I assume this is possible because I saw its used with Jetty (Vaadin 10/11 and embedded Jetty)
sure that is possible! You can simply make Jetty expose both SparkJava filter, and Vaadin 10+ servlet. I've created an example application which builds on Alejandro's work: https://github.com/mvysny/embedded-jetty-demo