Search code examples

Retrieve first 'mapItem' element from MKLocalSearch object in swift

first I want to say I'm new to the swift language.

My question almost mirrors this question: Accessing MKLocalSearchResponse item (swift)

However, when I apply this to my similar looking code I get an error "Value of type 'MKLocalSearch' has no member 'mapItems'"

Like in the link above I want the first mapItems (mapItems[0]) result. Can anybody help me?

Heres my code:

    let latitude = String(currentLocation.coordinate.latitude)
    let longitude = String(currentLocation.coordinate.longitude)

    var station1Unwrapped: String! = ""
    var station2Unwrapped: String! = ""

    var coord: CLLocationCoordinate2D!
    coord = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(currentLocation.coordinate.latitude, currentLocation.coordinate.longitude);
    var region: MKCoordinateRegion!
    region = MKCoordinateRegion(center: coord, latitudinalMeters: 100, longitudinalMeters: 100);

    let request = MKLocalSearch.Request()
    request.naturalLanguageQuery = "Train Station"
    request.region = region

    let search = MKLocalSearch(request: request)
    search.start { response, error in
        guard let response = response else {
            print("There was an error searching for: \(String(describing: request.naturalLanguageQuery)) error: \(String(describing: error))")

        print("Inside function")

        let station1 = response.mapItems[0].name


    var newLocVar = (search.mapItems[0] as! MKMapItem).name


  • The variable search is MKLocalSearch, so it doesn't has property mapItems. If you want to print the MKMapItem's name, you should access the mapItems in the completion block, where you get access to the response which is MKLocalSearch.Response. The line you write let station1 = response.mapItems[0].name is perfectly correct and it contains the name of the first mapItems found