I need to find a regular expression to define the language of all binary strings with at most one 1 in each substring of length four.
Accepted string: 0001000100
Rejected string: 100010100
My current attempt is: ((0*)(1){0,1}(0*)){4}. Though per various regex-testing sites that is incorrect, something I don't find surprising as I'm new to regular expressions.
I believe this language to be regular and as such I am asked to find a regular expression to define it, along with and NFA and DFA, the process for each I am okay with. However, I am struggling to come up with a regular expression that defines the language.
This regex seems to define the language you want, where no two 1's will be present within four characters,
- Start of string0*
- One or more zeroes(?:10{3,})*
- This matches a literal 1
then at least three or more zeroes and whole of it zero or more times1?0*
- Optionally follows a literal 1
and then zero or more zeroes$
- End of string