I'm trying to make game like "Duke Nukem 3D". I will have many maps in my game and each map will have it's own (and no more!) data files such as textures, sounds and so on, that's why I need to compress all these data files to one "map" file.
So, let's image that I want to test my maps one by one, and after compiling my code I want to test my first map with her textures and sounds, And when I type in my command line something like this: ./game_name "mymap.rce" or ./game_name "mymap.zip" my game must start with map what I typed and this map must have textures and sounds which I compressed with her.
You can download demo here.
To run demo you can type this for example: ./rce demo1.rce
So, I just made my archiver(without compress). If you need it, you can find it here.