(or [NSString hasPrefix]
) was always part of Foundation. However, I just noticed that now we also have starts(with:)
This method comes from Sequence
but it also works for String
My question is, which one should I prefer? Are there any performance considerations? I'm used to hasPrefix
from Objective-C days, but starts(with:)
is more intuitive and works for other sequences.
is implemented in StringLegacy.swift as
extension String {
public func hasPrefix(_ prefix: String) -> Bool {
if _fastPath(self._guts.isNFCFastUTF8 && prefix._guts.isNFCFastUTF8) {
guard prefix._guts.count <= self._guts.count else { return false }
return prefix._guts.withFastUTF8 { nfcPrefix in
let prefixEnd = nfcPrefix.count
return self._guts.withFastUTF8(range: 0..<prefixEnd) { nfcSlicedSelf in
return _binaryCompare(nfcSlicedSelf, nfcPrefix) == 0
return starts(with: prefix)
which means (if I understand it correctly): If both the string and the prefix candidate use a UTF-8 based storage then the UTF-8 bytes are compared directly. Otherwise it falls back to starts(with:)
and does a Character
based comparison.
So there is no difference in the result, but hasPrefix()
is optimized for native Swift strings.
Note: This is the from the master (Swift 5) branch, the situation might be different in earlier versions.