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IdentityServer4 and Angular: logout with Implicit flow

I have an Angular app that integrates with IdentityServer4 with implicit flow and the angular-oauth2-oidc library.

Everything seems to work fine, I can log in; and access token is available.

If I click the logout button, I handle it like:

logout() {    

...and I'm redirected to Identity Server, where it asks me if I really want to log out.

My question is whether I can bypass that prompt? I mean, I want to log out completely if the button is clicked and redirected back to the Angular site, without the need to confirm it?

How can this be achieved?

EDIT: as mentioned in the other answers, it should work if you pass id_token_hint. So I did:

logout() {
    this.oauthService.customQueryParams = {
        'id_token_hint': this.oauthService.getIdToken()

But it doesn't make any difference.


  • There were two issues I needed to fix in order to make this work.

    In IdentityServer, AccountOptions class, I had to set this property to true instead of false:

    public static bool AutomaticRedirectAfterSignOut = true;

    Next, In IdentityServer client configuration, I had to define the post logout redirect uri:

    PostLogoutRedirectUris = new List<string> {"http://...."}

    That did it. I did not have to change anything in the Angular client.