I am attempting to do something I'm unsure of, and need someone to provide feedback.
I have 2 preferences. One of them, I want dependent on the other one's value.
Example: My "Notification Mode" Preference has 2 options: "Timer", and "Reminder"
If the User chooses the "Timer" option, I want my other Preference available to set time.
Otherwise, I want the Preference for setting the Timer to be disabled.
Here's what I've come up with inside my pref changed listener:
if (key.equals(PREF_NOTIFICATION_MODE)) {
Preference notifModePref = findPreference(key);
notifModePref.setSummary(sharedPreferences.getString(key, ""));
if(!notifModePref.equals("Timer Mode")) {
Preference timerDurationPref = findPreference(PREF_TIMER_DURATION);
timerDurationPref.onDependencyChanged(notifModePref, true);
} else if(notifModePref.equals("Timer Mode")) {
Preference timerDurationPref = findPreference(PREF_TIMER_DURATION);
timerDurationPref.onDependencyChanged(notifModePref, false);
I'm not sure if I'm doing this correctly, or if onDependencyChanged
is proper.
I accomplished the Goal inside of if(key.equals)
by referencing the Preference
in question and using if
statements and a combination of using onDependencyChanged()
, and setting .isEnabled(boolean)
as required.