in evdev i'm trying to check to see if there is a mouse and keyboard plugged in and if so assign the device path to a variable to be used. This worked for a while as i just checked for the name Mouse or Keyboard in the device name by using this code
if ("KEYBOARD" in or ("Keyboard" in
print ("This is a Keyboard")
keyboarddir = device.path
keyboard = evdev.InputDevice(keyboarddir)
After plugging in a different mouse i discovered that they don't all say mouse in there and i wanted to know if there was a way i could compare a string called "BTN_RIGHT" to the device capabilities. The code i typed which doesn't work would go something like this.
if ("BTN_RIGHT" in device.capabilities(verbose=True)):
print ("this is the mouse")
Please help me figure out how to detect a mouse easier or by actually being able to search through its capabilities and compare them to other strings!
Since the data structure you want to parse looks like:
{ 1: [272, 273], 3: [0, 1] } might do something like (not using verbose=True
here, since it's a lot simpler if we're just working with the raw constants):
caps = device.capabilities()
has_rmb = evdev.ecodes.BTN_RIGHT in caps.get(evdev.ecodes.EV_KEY, [])
If you really want to work with the string forms (which I don't recommend), your data would instead look like:
{ ('EV_KEY', 1): [('BTN_MOUSE', 272), ('BTN_RIGHT', 273), ...],
('EV_ABS', 3): [(('ABS_X', 0), AbsInfo(min=0, max=15360, fuzz=128, flat=0)),
(('ABS_Y', 1), AbsInfo(min=0, max=10240, fuzz=128, flat=0)),] } might do something like:
caps = device.capabilities()
key_codes = evdev.ecodes[('EV_KEY', ecodes.EV_KEY)]
has_rmb = 'BTN_RIGHT' in [ kc[0][0] for key_codes ]
...but that's a lot of extra code and overhead to work around cruft that's only in the data structures for purposes of human readability.