Search code examples

how to add search feature to textctrl in wxwidget c++

how to add search feature to wxtextctrl in wxwidget c++?

what I want is to add a search bar that can search words in wxtextctrl. if a word has been found using a search bar, the word searched will be highlighted.


  • I have implemented a search and highlight mechanism with wxWidgets, but it uses wxStyledTextCtrl, not wxTextCtrl (so I know it's not an exact answer for what you are looking for).

    If you were in a position to change your wxTextCtrl to a wxStyledTextCtrl, you can do a Next and Previous function like this:


    //Sets the current caret position as the start of the search
    //flags can be things like wxSTC_FIND_MATCHCASE for case sensitive searching
    int findpos = editor->SearchNext(flags, find_string);
    if (findpos > 0)
        //search does not implicitly ensure your found location is visible
        //TODO: any other UI response to a valid find
        //TODO: any other UI response to no valid find

    Previous is exactly the same except your replace SearchNext with SearchPrev

    int findpos = editor->SearchPrev(flags, find_string);

    Obviously, the alternative if you need to use wxTextCtrl is to manually search the string and set the selection directly using wxTextCtrl::SetSelection. This post on the wxForum might help with that: