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How to create a directory structure in bazel

I want to create the following structure in bazel.

   |_ file1
   |_ file2
   |_ dir2

Creating a specific structure doesn't seem trivial. I'm hoping there's a simple and reusable rule. Something like:

  name = "dir1",
  path = "dir1",

  name = "dir2",
  path = "dir1/dir2",
  deps = [":dir1"],

What I've tried:

  • I could create a macro with a python script, but want something cleaner.
  • I tried creating a genrule with mkdir -p path/to/directoy which didn't work

The use case is that I want to create a squashfs using bazel.

It's important to note that Bazel provides some packaging functions.

To create a squashfs, the command requires a directory structure populated with artifacts.


  • In my case, I want to create a directory structure and run mksquashfs to produce a squashfs file.

    To accomplish this, I ended up modifying the basic example from bazel's docs on packaging.

    load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/pkg:pkg.bzl", "pkg_tar")
        name = "file1",
        outs = ["file1.txt"],
        cmd = "echo exampleText > $@",
        name = "dir1",
        strip_prefix = ".",
        package_dir = "/usr/bin",
        srcs = [":file1"],
        mode = "0755",
        name = "dir2",
        strip_prefix = ".",
        package_dir = "/usr/share",
        srcs = ["//main:file2.txt", "//main:file3.txt"],
        mode = "0644",
        name = "pkg",
        extension = "tar.gz",
        deps = [

    If there's an easier way to create a tar or directory structure without the need for intermediate tars, I'll make that top answer.