A high level overview is that 'CFile file's 'file.write()' method gets called for every individual integer data value (line 9) along with line 12, where I write a comma to file.
That means that for 327,680 input data integers, there are 2*327,680 = 655,360 file.write() calls. The code is very slow because of this and as a result, the code takes 3 seconds to create one csv file. How could I improve the efficiency of my code?
Note: I cannot change any declarations of the code. I must use CFile. Also, pSrc is of type uint_16_t and is containing the data that I want to store in the .csv file. The data ranges from 0 - 3000 integer values.
1 CFile file;
2 int mWidth = 512;
3 int mHeight = 640;
4 UINT i = 0;
5 char buf[80];
6 UINT sz = mHeight * mWidth; //sz = 327,680
7 while (i < sz) {
8 sprintf_s(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", pSrc[i]);
9 file.Write(buf, strlen(buf));
10 i++;
11 if (i < sz)
12 file.Write(",", 1);
13 if (i % mWidth == 0)
14 file.Write("\r\n", 2);
15 }
All values are outputted in the 640x512 .csv file containing integers representing degrees Celcius.
Just Figured it out! Below is the implementation that seemed to get the job done.
int sz = mHeight * mWidth;
std::string uniqueCSV = "Frame " + to_string(miCurrentCSVImage + 1) + ".csv";
std::string file = capFile + "/" + uniqueCSV;
std::ofstream out;
std::string data = "";
int i = 0;
while (i < sz) {
data += to_string(pSrc[i]);
if (i < sz)
data += ",";
if (i % mWidth == 0)
data += "\n";
out << data;