I've forked a server-side swift package for Firebase realtime db connectivity: ferno and I'm trying to use it as a dependency in my Package.swift
like so:
.package(url: "git@github.com:3sidedcube/ferno.git", .branch("jwt3")),
however when running vapor xcode
I get an error like so:
Error: Could not generate Xcode project: Completed resolution in 8.33s
error: terminated(128): git -C /Users/simonmitchell/Coding/Device-Monitor/.build/checkouts/ferno.git--4002215034454709000 checkout -f 155fa23f2f2d985dbee20072e560b095f61d7b63 output:
I've checked the docs for swift packages and this should all be kosher, so why isn't it working? Is this a limitation of swift package manager? Or of Vapor?
There are times when the package build needs to be cleared or reset to get things back on track. The build can be reset with one of the following:
vapor clean
vapor update
# Updating [Done]
# Changes to dependencies usually require Xcode to be regenerated.
# Would you like to regenerate your xcode project now?
y/n> y
# Generating Xcode Project [Done]
# Select the `Run` scheme to run.
# Open Xcode project?
y/n> y
# Opening Xcode project...
swift package manager
swift package reset # Reset the complete cache/build directory
swift package update
# Fetching https://github.com/vapor/vapor.git
# Fetching https://github.com/vapor/fluent-sqlite.git
# Fetching git@github.com-MY-SSH-HOST:3sidedcube/ferno.git
# ...
swift package generate-xcodeproj
# generated: ./Hello.xcodeproj
open Hello.xcodeproj/
manual build removal
rm -Rf .build
rm -Rf Hello.xcodeproj
Also, in my experience, Swift Package Manager .package(url: "git@github.com…)
protocol expects an SSH key pair setup for use with a remote service for both public and private repos. However, the .package(url: "https://github.com…)
protocol does not need this setup because https
provides a secure transport layer.
ssh key pair
If not already done, create and setup a public/private ssh key pair for GitHub. ⇗
Host github.com-MY-SSH-HOST
HostName github.com
User git
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/github_privatelocal_rsa
UseKeychain yes
AddKeysToAgent yes
PreferredAuthentications publickey
Note: More recent macOS systems require UseKeychain
& AddKeysToAgent
to work with Keychain.app
Expressly declare the defined MY-SSH-HOST
in the package git
.package(url: "git@github.com:3sidedcube-MY-SSH-HOST/ferno.git", .branch("jwt3"))
targets: [
.target(name: "App", dependencies: ["FluentSQLite", "Vapor", "Ferno"]),
// …