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Why does std::hex lead to memory corruption vector.size()?

I have following code:

vector<UINT_PTR> test = GetMemoryAddresses();

cout << "Size: " << test.size() << endl;

for (UINT_PTR a : test) {
    cout << "Memory Address: " << hex  << a << endl;

cout << "Size: " << test.size() << endl;

Which prints following results:

Size: 18
Memory Address: fc06a0
Memory Address: 13a70f0
Memory Address: 36c78c1
Memory Address: 3da0ea0
Memory Address: 3e21b80
Memory Address: c0a6881
Memory Address: c747690
Memory Address: c748b98
Memory Address: c74a1b8
Memory Address: c74ce10
Memory Address: c750c78
Memory Address: 1340a10f
Memory Address: 14376ea0
Memory Address: 14472649
Memory Address: 69867268
Memory Address: 6bdf9243
Memory Address: 7399a142
Memory Address: 76c54875
Size: 12

Removing the

<< hex

leads to the correct vector.size() of 18 again.

What is causing this memory coruption?

Have I done anything wrong?


  • std::hex is "sticky". It sets the state of the stream to hexadecimal display and that is where it will stay until you change it. That means when you do

    cout << "Size: " << test.size() << endl;

    you display the size in hex and 18 decimal is 12 hex.

    You need

    cout << "Size: " << dec << test.size() << endl;

    to switch back to decimal mode and display the size "correctly".

    Another thing that would help you diagnosing this is to use std::showbase. It is another "sticky" manipulator and will prepend hexadecimal output with 0x. Using that in

    cout << "Memory Address: " << hex << showbase  << a << endl;

    would have made your output

    Size: 18
    Memory Address: 0xfc06a0
    Memory Address: 0x13a70f0
    Memory Address: 0x36c78c1
    Memory Address: 0x3da0ea0
    Memory Address: 0x3e21b80
    Memory Address: 0xc0a6881
    Memory Address: 0xc747690
    Memory Address: 0xc748b98
    Memory Address: 0xc74a1b8
    Memory Address: 0xc74ce10
    Memory Address: 0xc750c78
    Memory Address: 0x1340a10f
    Memory Address: 0x14376ea0
    Memory Address: 0x14472649
    Memory Address: 0x69867268
    Memory Address: 0x6bdf9243
    Memory Address: 0x7399a142
    Memory Address: 0x76c54875
    Size: 0x12

    which makes it a lot more clear that the last call to cout is still using hex