I have a navigation app that used geofences(Creating and Monitoring Geofences).
Google says (Background Location Limits):
The average responsiveness for a geofencing event is every couple of minutes or so.
On previous Android versions was no delay. But on Android O, the app shows a delay of ~4-5 minutes after leaving a geofence(approximately 50% of cases). Tested on ODP2
Has anybody faced a similar problem?
Google added new paragraph to Create and monitor geofences doc
Alerts can be late. The geofence service doesn't continuously query for location, so expect some latency when receiving alerts. Usually the latency is less than 2 minutes, even less when the device has been moving. If Background Location Limits are in effect, the latency is about 2-3 minutes on average. If the device has been stationary for a significant period of time, the latency may increase (up to 6 minutes).