I have a form which consists of blocks which are retrieved by calls to API.
I need to process each call accordingly to that specific call (I'm creating a formGroup part based on that call).
What I want is to have some kind of global observable/status which will be completed when all calls are made and processed.
Now I'm doing it by creating a BehaviorSubject counter and on each request I increment this. When this counter reaches some value I change loading
to false
and show a form then. Is there a better way?
It looks like
o1.subscribe(() => {... this.counter.next(this.counter.value + 1) });
o2.subscribe(() => {... this.counter.next(this.counter.value + 1) });
o3.subscribe(() => {... this.counter.next(this.counter.value + 1) });
this.counter.subscribe(val => if (val === 3) { this.loading = false; }
I've thought of creating of()
wrapper and using concat()
around them but I don't think that it's right.
If order is not a concern, you can use forkJoin from rxjs, which works similar to Promise.all,
.subscribe(_ => this.loading = false;)