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How to understand Redis Monitor output?

I'm working with a redis instance locally with a PHP app. I'm getting the following output from redis-cli monitor:

1550597216.002208 [1] "DEL" "XXXXXX:1745715486"

The key-value is still there but if I do it with redis-cli> DEL XXXXXX:1745715486

I get the following log:

1550597346.838962 [0] "DEL" "XXXXXX:1745715486"

I see the difference with the two logs (0 instead of 1 between the brackets) but there is no documentation on what that number means.

Do you happens to know its meaning ? Thanks for your time.


  • It's the number of the database. The DEL operation was made on another database than the one I used for GET and SET.