I have this code in Python which, given a dictionary, it writes the key:value fields in a config.ini file. The problem is that it keeps writing the header for each field.
import configparser
myDict = {'hello': 'world', 'hi': 'space'}
def createConfig(myDict):
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
# the string below is used to define the .ini header/title
config["myHeader"] = {}
with open('myIniFile.ini', 'w') as configfile:
for key, value in myDict.items():
config["myHeader"] = {key: value}
This is the output of .ini file:
hello = world
hi = space
How can I get rid of double title [myDict]
and have the result like this
hello = world
hi = space
The code to create the .ini in Python has been taken from this question.
You get twice the header, because you write twice to the configfile. You should build a complete dict and write it in one single write:
def createConfig(myDict):
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
# the string below is used to define the .ini header/title
config["myHeader"] = {}
for key, value in myDict.items():
config["myHeader"][key] = value
with open('myIniFile.ini', 'w') as configfile: