I want to make suggested product show up on show page I have this in my model(i am using pg)
//Product model
def self.similar(product_name)
where("name LIKE ?", "%#{product_name}%").limit(4)
How do i use this in my views(how to pass params)
So I'm not sure where you are getting the 'product_name' but it sounds like you just need a variable in the controller 'Show' method.
The easy way would be to just add something like the following into your Controllers 'Show' method;
def show
@similar_products = Product.where("name LIKE ?", params[:product_name]).limit(4)
And then in your show page just add it into the html.erb;
<div class='container'>
<% @similar_products.each do |product| %>
<%= product.name %>
<%= product.price %>
<% end %>