When I try to add reaction to an activity, it shows an error message that user_id cannot be empty. As per the doc, there where no field to pass the user id in JS/NODE sample code. please help.
Language: Node JS
Code Used :
await client.reactions.add("like", activity.id );
also tried
await client.reactions.add("like", activity.id, "jack" );
Response: Error
Details : '{"detail":"Errors for fields \'user_id\'","status_code":400,"code":4,"exception":"InputException","exception_fields":{"user_id":["user_id is a required field"]},"duration":"0.16ms"} with HTTP status code 400' }
If your client is a serverside client(initialized with api key and api secret), you need to specify the user_id in the call to reactions.add
. If you use a clientside integration(initialized with api key, user token and app_id), the user_id doesn't need to be specified.
For serverisde your code will be:
const userId = 'bob';
await client.reactions.add('like', activity.id, null, { userId });
For clientside you will have:
const token = srvClient.createUserToken('bob'); //srvClient is initialized with apiKey and apiSecret
const client = stream.connect(
await client.reactions.add('like', activity.id);