How do we eliminate duplicates by only selecting those with values in a certain field using with clause statement?
Query is something like this:
with x as (--queries with multiple join tables, etc.)
select distinct * from x
Output below:
Com_no Company Loc Rewards
1 Mccin India 50
1 Mccin India
2 Rowle China 18
3 Draxel China 11
3 Draxel China
4 Robo UK
As you can see, I get duplicate records. I want to get rid of the null values that are NOT unique. That is to say, Robo is unique since it only has 1 record with a null value in Rewards, so I want to keep that.
I tried this:
with x as (--queries with multiple join tables, etc.)
select distinct * from x where Rewards is not null
And of course that wasn't right, since it also got rid of 4 Robo UK
Expected output should be:
1 Mccin India 50
2 Rowle China 18
3 Draxel China 11
4 Robo UK
This is a prioritization query. One method is to use row_number()
. If you want only one value per Com_no
, then:
select x.*
from (select x.*,
row_number() over (partition by Com_no, Company, Loc order by Rewards nulls last) as seqnum
from x
) x
where seqnum = 1;
Or even:
select Com_no, Company, Loc, max(Rewards)
from x
group by Com_no, Company, Loc;