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Partial trust: How to instantiate a generic type without a generic type argument

I'm creating a reusable library for Silverlight. The library contains an internal generic type and I need to create a new instance of this generic type, but I at one point I don't have a generic type argument available, only a System.Type object that represents the generic argument. I tried to create an instance using reflection, but this fails, because this class is internal and Silverlight effectively runs in partial trust.

Here is what I tried so far:

private INonGenericInterface CreateInstance(Type type)
    // Activator.CreateInstance fails
    var instance = Activator.CreateInstance(

    // Invoking the default constructor of that type fails.
    var producer = typeof(InternalGenericType<>)
        .GetConstructor(new Type[0])

    return (INonGenericInterface)producer;

This is my internal type. Nothing fancy:

internal class InternalGenericType<T> : INonGenericInterface
    where T : class
    public InternalGenericType()

I even tried abusing the Nullable<T> struct as a factory for creating a factory that could produce my internal type. However, default Nullable<T> get converted to null references:

internal static class InternalGenericTypeFactory
   public static INonGenericInterface Create(Type serviceType)
      var nullType = typeof(Nullable<>).MakeGenericType(

      // Activator succesfully creates the instance, but .NET
      // automatically converts default Nullable<T>s to null.
      object nullInstance = Activator.CreateInstance(nullType);

      var getValueMethod =
         nullType.GetMethod("GetValueOrDefault", new Type[0]);

      // Invoke fails, because nullInstance is a null ref.
      var factory = getValueMethod.Invoke(nullInstance, null);

      return ((IFactory)factory).CreateInstance();

   internal interface IFactory
      INonGenericInterface CreateInstance();

   internal struct Factory<T> : IFactory where T : class
       public INonGenericInterface CreateInstance()
           return new InternalGenericType<T>();

As you can imagine, I don't want to make this type public, because it would pollute my API. I'm currently out of ideas. What are my options? What can I do to create this internal type?


  • Third alternative is to support some sort of factory pattern which will contain a method to instanciate internal type. And you can expose factory or make factory type public.

    public class TypeFactory
        public static object Create<T>()
             return new MyInternalType<T>();

    You can leave class as internal and you can invoke TypeFactory's method via reflection.

    public object CreateType(System.Type type)
        Type typeFactory = typeof(TypeFactory);
        MethodInfo m = typeFactory.GetMethod("Create").MakeGenericMethod(type);
        return m.Invoke(null, null);

    I think your TypeFactory should be public, it can not be internal.