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How to create array column based on unique values in another column SQL

I have data from a postgres tables that looks like this:

Server    |    Database    | Contact 

server1   |    db1         | contact 1
server1   |    db2         | contact 2
server1   |    db3         | contact 3 
server2   |    db1         | contact 4
server2   |    db2         | contact 3

But I need to transform it to pass to a front end view in this format:

Server    | Database        | Contact 

server1   | {db1, db2, db3} | {contact1, contact2, contact3}
server2   | {db1, db2}      | {contact3, contact4} 

For every unique value in the Server column I want to create an array column out of every other column in my SQL query. So far I have something like this but it does not seem to create an array out of the Server column (Contact column excluded for clarity):

SELECT     "table1"."Server"
            COALESCE( NULLIF( array 
                  select DISTINCT x 
                  FROM   unnest( array_agg(DISTINCT "table1"."Server") ) x 
                  WHERE  x IS NOT NULL ), '{}' ), '{"No Data"}' ) AS "serverList" , 
           COALESCE( NULLIF( array 
                  SELECT x 
                  FROM   unnest( array_agg(DISTINCT "table1"."Database") ) x 
                  WHERE  x IS NOT NULL ), '{}' ), '{"No Data"}' ) AS "databseList"
FROM       "table1"                                     

How can I correctly create array columns out of unique entries in the Server column?


  • How about array_agg()?

    select server, array_agg(database) as databases, array_agg(contact) as contacts
    from t
    group by server;

    If the values need to be unique in the arrays, use distinct.