As I understand it it is not possible to dynamically add a '(click)' attribute to an element of the DOM using Renderer2 in Angular 2+.
If this is true how do you lovely people add a '(click)' attribute when they are dynamically creating HTML in the component or what workaround do you use?
const element = this.renderer.createElement('a');
element.setAttribute('href', 'foobar'); // This works
element.setAttribute('(click)', 'foobar'); // This does not work
(click) is not an attribute and you can't use it like this.
you may use .addEventListener
for example
element.addEventListener('click', function(){ do something} );
if you want full angular example :
<button #mybtn>my Button</button>
@ViewChild('mybtn') myBtn:ElementRef;
ngOnInit() {
this.myBtn.nativeElement.addEventListener('click', function() {
console.log('from there');