We are trying using the marketplace.walmartapis.com api to bulk list items and it is returning unsupported media type for xml item feed
We are using Perl and are able to perform other commands to update inventory and pricing, check orders, lookup feeds and skus etc. The token SHOULD be good, as we ran two calls back to back using the same token and the first call (item inventory) worked as expected before trying to send the xml file. It is only when we try to send the xml batch file that we run into the problem.
We assume the issue is with the header/authentication and have tried many different combinations. But obviously we are missing something.
What is being sent:
POST https://marketplace.walmartapis.com/v3/feeds?feedType=item HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic MDc4......
Content-Length: 2277
Accept: application/xml
Content-Type: multipart/formdata
Host: marketplace.walmartapis.com
WM_SVC.NAME: Walmart Marketplace
Boundary: 1234ran4321dom5678boundary
formdata payload:
Content-Disposition: formdata; name="xml"
Content-length: 2151
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<MPItemFeed xmlns="http://walmart.com/">
back from Walmart.pm
$HASH = {
"error" => {
"category" => "DATA",
"causes" => {},
"errorIdentifiers" => {},
"info" => "Unsupported Media Type.",
"severity" => "ERROR"
"xmlns:ns2" => "http://walmart.com/"
Any pointers in the right direction would be appreciated.
Thanks for everyone that looked. The problem seems to be solved
It was one minor typo
multipart/formdata needed to be multipart/form-data
With that change now we are getting a feed id that shows up in the Seller area