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What do I need to change to my Simpson's Rule Fortran code to get the correct results?

I am trying to implement a piece of code to get the area under a curve by getting the integral using Simpson's Rule.


I have already tried it using MatchCAD and I got correct results function: f(x)= x**5+(x-2)*sin(x)+(x-1)

program simpsons

  implicit none

  real a, b, h
  real integ, fa, fb
  integer i, m

  write(*,*) 'enter the lower boundary'
  read(*,*) a
  write(*,*) 'enter the upper boundary'
  read(*,*) b

  do while(
    write(*,*) 'reenter the lower boundary'
    read(*,*) a
    write(*,*) 'reenter the upper boundary'
    read(*,*) b

  write(*,*) 'enter the intervals number'
  read(*,*) m




  do i=1, m/2

    integ=integ+4*((a+(2*i-1)*h)**5.0+((a+(2*i-1)*h)-2.0)*sin((a+(2*i-1)*h))+ ((a+(2*i-1)*h)-1.0))

    if (i.le.((m/2)-1)) then




  write(*,*) 'integration = ', integ

when I input a=-1 and b=1 and m=20 I should get Integration=-1.398

when I input a=-1 and b=1 and m=40 I should get Integration=-1.398

but somehow I am getting the integration =7015869.0


  • I was using this code some time ago. As pointed out by @VladimirF, it is better to separate the function f(x) from the algorithm simpson(f,a,b,integral,n).

    program main
      implicit none
      double precision a, b, integral
      integer n
      a = -1; b = 1; n = 20
      call simpson(f,a,b,integral,n)
      write (*,*) 'integration = ', integral
    function f(x)
      implicit none
      double precision f, x
      f = x**5 + (x-2)*sin(x) + (x-1)
    Subroutine simpson(f,a,b,integral,n)
      implicit none
      double precision f, a, b, integral, s
      double precision h, x
      integer n, i
      ! if n is odd we add +1 to make it even
      if((n/2)* n = n+1
      ! loop over n (number of intervals)
      s = 0.0
      h = (b-a)/dble(n)
      do i = 2, n-2, 2
         x = a + i*h
         s = s + 2.0*f(x) + 4.0*f(x+h)
      end do
      integral = (s + f(a) + f(b) + 4.0*f(a+h))*h/3.0
    end subroutine simpson
    end program main

    with the correct output: integration = -1.39766605364858